An Open Letter
Dear Adonis,
My usual response when someone told me that babysitting a grandchild is delightful was, "Oh no, I took care of my children already, my kids will have to watch their own." It's amazing how I went from that, to traveling across the country to celebrate a first birthday.
All their lives, I've referred to your dad and aunts as my Three Precious Angels. I watched them like a hawk, not much that I'd lose them lest they be lost in their ways. They always heard me tell family and friends that I was not ready to be a grandmother yet. At least not until I knew that they are ready to bring a new life into this crazy world and be able to raise that child in a healthy and loving home of their own.
Because of this, I feel that most times, they think I am crass when what they need is a caress. So I was flabbergasted to see your dad’s pregnancy announcement gift!
I may have been ready for you to come, I was over 50 after all and ready to be a grandma by virtue of age, but your dad was definitely not... he was working at a local market, did not have his own place and hardly made decisions on his own. Along with the present, came the long-awaited profession, "Dad, you're right. I should go into the military."

It may have been a late decision but he took a major turn, all because of the little person with a big name, you! He was away at basic training when you were born, so I was there to welcome you. On June 15, 2018, I began to see my son as a man, finally!

Fast forward... Ideas flew across the country via texts, Messenger and Pinterest to prepare for your first birthday. Your mom went grocery shopping on Wednesday. The advance party, Tita Angel, flew on Thursday to help set up.
On the flight to see you, I saw a quote while surfing the net which reminded me of my mom. She used to read the newspaper comic strip to me everyday before I started kindergarten and my favorite was Nancy while she liked the ”Love is...” strip. So this quote from her favorite series confirms how I feel about you, "Love is... being the proudest grandma ever!”

Surprising how how an itty bitty person with a big name turned my whole world around. Now I have a new prayer, in addition to gratefulness for the gift of children, I also ask for gift of longer life so that I can witness you grow into a wonderful young man.
I pray that you will grow up healthy, happy, and smart. I have been thankful that your dad and aunties turned out as good kids and now adults. I hope you too will be like them, continuing to find the face of Jesus in everyone they meet.
When you play, I hope you learn and enjoy. When you’re older, I hope you will find excitement with school work.

May you find joy in music like your dad.

You have brought so much happiness into our lives, celebrating your first birthday will be etched in our memories forever.
Your mom wanted cake smash photos for your first birthday while I wanted a bubble photo shoot in the backyard and a party set up without guests. Also, I wanted to get you started on a mission, a visit to the mission churches, that is! And we managed to fit all these into one weekend.
As you journey to birthday #2, I will look forward to our daily calls, to your first steps, and to the first time you call me GlamMa! Until our next playdate....